Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gas Laws Problems - More Problems to Graham's Law

But I'm not sure with my question in effusion rate problems and I don't know how to make the analysis (#4 under Partial Pressure and Graham's Law)

More Problems

1. Given:

V1 = 15 L
T1 = 67oC + 273 = 340 K
P1 = 107 kpa
T2 = 95oC + 273 = 368 K
P2 = 112 kPa

Required : V2

P1 x V1/T1 = P2 x V2/T2
107 kPa x 15 L/340 K = 112 kPa x V2/368 K
4.72 = 112 kPa x V2/368 K
112 kPa x V2 = 4.72 x 368 K
V2 = 1736.96 K/112 kPa
V2 = 15.5 L

Paraphrase: The volume of the new volume of a 15 L gas at 67oC and 107 kPa when heated to 95oC and has 112 kPa is 15.5 L.

Evaluation: The increase of pressure and temperature makes the volume increases too. The new volume is bigger than the previous volume, therefore it makes sense.

2. Given:
V1 = 10 mL/1000 = 0.01 L
T1 = 42oC + 273 = 297 K
T2 = 283oC + 273 = 556 K

Required : V2

V1/T1 = V2/T2
0.01 L/297 K = V2/556 K
V2 = 0.01 L/297 K x 556 K
V2 = 0.01872 L x 1000 = 18.72 mL

Paraphrase: The new volume of a 10 mL container at 42oC when the temperature is adjust to 283oC is 18.72 mL.

Evaluation: The increase of temperature increases the volume. The new volume is bigger than the last volume, therefore it makes sense.

3. Given:
T1 = 25oC + 273 = 298 K
P1 = 101 kPa
P2 = 200 kPa

Required : T2

P1/T1 = P2/T2
101 kPa/298 K = 200 kPa/T2
T2(101 kPa/298 K) = 200 kPa
T2 = 200 kPa/(101 kPa/298 K)
T2 = 590 K

Paraphrase: The new temperature of a container of gas at 25oC and 101 kPa is 590 K when the pressure increases to 200 kPa.

Evaluation: The increase of pressure increases the temperature. The new temperature is bigger than the last temperature, so the answer makes sense.

4. Given:
V1 = 50 L
P1 = 101.3 kPa
P2 = 2.5 atm x 101.3 kPa = 253.25 kPa

Required: V2

P1 x V1 = P2 x V2
101.3 kPa x 50 L = 253.25 kPa x V2
V2 = (101.3 kPa x 50 L)/253.25 kPa
V2 = 20 L

Paraphrase : The new volume of a 5 ml container at standard pressure is 20 L when the pressure is extended to 2.5 atm.

Evaluation : The increase of pressure results the volume to decrease. The new volume is smaller than the previous volume, therefore the answer makes sense.

5. Given:
V1 = 10.5 L
T1 = 75oC + 273 = 348 K
P1 = 101 kPa
T2 = 125oC + 273 = 398 K
V2 = 11.5 L

Required : P2

P1 x V1/T1 = P2 x V2/T2
(101 kPa x 10.5 L)/348 K = (P2 x 11.5 L)/298 K
P2 = ([(101 kPa x 10.5 L)/384 L] x 298 K)/11.5 L
P2 = 71.56 kPa

Paraphrase:  The new pressure of 10.5 L sample of gas at 75oC and 101 kPa is 71.56 kPa when is heated to 125oC.

Evaluation: The increase in temperature and volume results the pressure to decrease. The new pressure is smaller than the last pressure, the answer should be right.

6. If the volume and mass of gases is different, the density is different even though the gases have the same pressure and pressure. Gases with same amount of mass but less in volume or gases that have the same volume but have more mass will be denser than the other gases.

Ideal Gas Law Practice
1. Given:
V = 120 L
P = 202.3 kPa
T = 340 K

Required : n

n = PV/RT
n = (202.3 kPa x 120 L)/(8.31 LkPa/(Kmol) x 340 K)
n = 24276 LkPa/(2825.4 LkPa/mol)
n = 8.59 mol

Paraphrase : 120 L of gas at a pressure of 202.3 kPa and a temperature of 340 K has 8.59 of moles.

Evaluation: Even though the temperature is high, the pressure and the mass is big, therefore it makes sens if the number of moles is quite a lot.

2. Given:
V = 50 L
n = 45 mol
T = 200oC + 273 = 473 K

Required: P

P = nRT/V
P = (45 mol x (8.31 Lkpa/Kmol) x 473 K)/50 L
P = 3537.57 kPa

Paraphrase: A 50 liter container that holds 45 moles of gas at a temperature of 200oC has a pressure at 3537.57 kPa.

Evaluation: The number of moles and the temperature is high, so it makes sense that the pressure is high.

3. Given:
V = 1 L
n = 2 mol
T = 1400oC + 273 = 1673 K

Required : P

P = nRT/V
P = (2 mol x (8.31 LkPa/Kmol) x 1673 K)/1 L
P = 27805.26 kPa

Paraphrase: The pressure inside the canister is 27805.26 kPa.

Evaluation: The temperature is really high while the mass is really small, thus it is reasonable that the pressure is really high.

4. Given:
V = 30 L
T = 300 K
P = 2026 kPa

Required: n

n = PV/RT
n = (2026 kPa x 30 L)/((8.31 LkPa/Kmol) x 300 K)
n = 60780 LkPa/(2493 LkPa/Kmol)
n = 24.38 mol

Paraphrase:  The number of moles of gas in a 30 liter scuba canister with a temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 2026 kPa is 24.38 moles.

Evaluation: Even though the temperature is quite high, the pressure is really high and the volume also quite high, so it makes sense that the number of moles is a lot.

5. Given:
V = 100 L
n = 3 mol
P = 101.3 kPa

Required: T

T = PV/nR
T = (101.3 kPa x 100 L)/(3 mol x (8.31 LkPa/Kmol))
T = 10130 LkPa/(24.93 LkPa/K)
T = 406.34 K

Paraphrase: The temperature of the balloon is 406.34 K.

Analysis: The moles is not too many while the mass is large, therefore it’s reasonable that the temperature is also high.

6. Given:
V = 67 L
M = 5 g N
T = 25oC + 273 = 298 K

Required: P

nN = 5 g N x 1 mol N/14.0067 g N = 0.36 mol N

P = nRT/V
P = (0.36 mol N x (8.31 LkPa/Kmol) x 298 K)/67 L
P = 13.19 kPa

Paraphrase: 67 L container that holds 5 g of nitrogen at a temperature of 25oC has a pressure of 13.19 kPa.

Analysis: Even though the volume is large, the temperature is high and the moles isn’t too small, therefore it’s reasonable that the pressure is small.

7. Given:
V = 32 L
nO = 5.4 x 1023 mol O
P = 101.3 kPa

Required: T

T = PV/nR
T = (101.3 kPa x 32 L)/(5.4 x 1023 mol x (8.31 LkPa/Kmol))
T = 3241.6 LkPa/(4.4874 x 1024 LkPa/K)
T = 7.22 x 10-22 K

Paraphrase: The temperature inside a 32 L container that holds 5.4 x 1023 molecules of oxygen at a pressure of 101.3 kPa is 7.22 x 10-22 K.

Analysis: The moles are really high in amount, so it makes sense that the temperature is really small.

Partial Pressure and Graham’s law Practice
1. Given:
PO2 = 3 atm x 101.3 = 303.9 kPa
PN2 = 5 atm x 101.3 = 506.5 kPa
PHe = 7 atm x 101.3 = 709.1 kPa

Required: Ptotal

Ptotal = PO2 + PN2 + PHe
Ptotal = (303.9 + 506.5 + 709.1) kPa
Ptotal = 1519.5 kPa

Paraphrase: The total pressure inside the tank is 1519.5 kPa.

Analysis: The total pressure is higher than the partial pressures, therefore it makes sense because the partial pressure adds up to get the total pressure.

2. Given:
Ptotal = 1.45 atm x 101.3 = 146.885 kPa
PCO2 = 0.43 atm x 101.3 = 43.559 kPa
PH2S = 0.23 atm x 101.3 = 23.299 kPa

Required: P3

P3 = Ptotal – (PCO2 – PH2S)
P3 = 146.885 kPa – (43.559 kPa + 23.299 kPa)
P3 = 80.027 kPa

Paraphrase: The partial pressure of the remaining air is 80.027 kPa.

Analysis: The partial pressure of the remaining air is a little bit more than a half of the total pressure, it makes sense because the other partial pressure are a little bit fewer than the total pressure if added up.

3. Given:
Ptotal = 1.45 atm x 101.3 = 146.885 kPa
PCO2 = 0.43 atm x 101.3 = 43.559 kPa
PH2S = 0.23 atm x 101.3 = 23.299 kPa
P3 = 80.027 kPa

Required: PO2

PO2 = 0.22 x P3
PO2 = 0.22 x 80.027 kPa
PO2 = 17.606 kPa

Paraphrase:  The partial pressure of oxygen in the air is 17,606 kPa

Analysis: The oxygen is the part of the air, so it makes sense that the pressure is smaller than the air pressure.

4. Given:
Molar mass of O2 = 32.0 g/mol
Molar mass of N2 = 28.0 g/mol

Required: O2/N2

Calculation: O2/N2 = √(28.0 g/mol / 32.0 g/mol)
O2/N2 =  0.9354

Paraphrase: The rate of effusion of O2 and N2 is 0.9354

5. Given:
V = 27 L
T = 298 K
nN2 = 3
nO2 = 4

Required: P

P1 = (nN2)RT/V
P1 = (3 mol x 8.31 LkPa/Kmol x 298 K)/27 L
P1 = 2429.14 LkPa/27 L
P1 = 275.15 kPa

P2 = (nO2)RT/V
P2 = (4 mol x 8.31 LkPa/Kmol x x298 K)/27 L
P2 = 9905.52 LkPa/27 L
P2 = 366.87 kPa

Ptotal = (275.15 + 366.87) kPa
Ptotal = 642.02 kPa

Paraphrase: The pressure of the resulting gases is 642.02 kPa.

Analysis:  The answer makes sense because both the values of the volume and temperature are high, therefore the pressure isn’t too high or too low.

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