Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gas Worksheet


Ideal Gas Law (there are 8 Questions)

1.      Under what conditions does a gas behave as ideal?   When it has large volume and low pressure and/or high temperature.                                                                       

2.     Under what conditions does a gas not behave as ideal?          When gases tend to condense.                       

a.     Why does this occur?             Because the gas have high pressure or low lemperatures.                             

3.              How many moles of gas does it take to occupy 12 liters at a pressure of 20.3 kPa and a temperature of 398 K?
Given: V = 12 L ; P = 20.3 kPa ; T = 398 K
Required : n
n = PV/RT                                                                                                                                                      
n = 20.3 kPa x 12 L / 8.13 LkPa/Kmol x 398 K                                                                                                    
n = 243.6 LkPa / 315.78 Lkpa/mol                                                                                                                  
n = 0.77 mol
Paraphrase: 12 liters of gas wth a pressure 20.3 kPa and a temperature 298 K has 0.77 moles.                       
Analysis: The temperature is high, therefore the moles aren’t many.                                                                                      
4.              If I have a 5.5 liter container that holds 1.2 moles of gas at a temperature of 1250 C, what is the pressure inside the container?
Given: V = 5.5 L ; n = 1.2 mol ; T = 125oC + 273 = 398 K
Required: P
P = nRT/V                                                                                                                                                      
P = 1.2 mol x 8.31 LkPa/Kmol x 398 K / 5.5 L                                                                                       
P = 721.61 kPa                                                                                                           
Paraphrase: 5.5 liter container that holds 1.2 moles of gas at a temperature of 125oC has a pressure of 721.61 kPa
Analysis: The temperature is quite high and the volume is quite small, therefore it makes sense that the pressure is quite high.                                                                                   
5.              It is not safe to put aerosol canisters in a campfire, because the pressure inside the canisters gets very high and they can explode.  If I have a 1.0 liter canister that holds 5 moles of gas, and the campfire temperature is 12000 C, what is the pressure inside the canister?
Given: V = 1 L ; n = 5 mol ; T = 1200oC + 273 = 1473 K
Required: P
P = nRT/V                                                                                          
P = 5 mol x 8.31 LkPa/Kmol x 1473 K / 1 L                                                                                      
P = 61203.15 kPa                                                                                                                               
Paraphrase: 1 L canister that holds 5 moles of gas in a temperature of 1200oC has a 61203.15 kPa.
Analysis: The moles are quite many and the temperature is really high while the mass is small, therefore it’s reasonable that the pressure is high.                                                                                                      
6.              How many moles of gas are in a 25 liter scuba canister if the temperature of the canister is 330 K and the pressure is 2300 kPa? 
Given: V = 25 L ; T = 330 K ; 2300 kPa
Required: n
n = PV/RT                                                                                                                              
n = 2300 kPa x 25 L / 8.31 LkPa/Kmol x 330 K                                                                                            
n = 57500 LkPa / 2742.3 LkPa/mol                                                                                                   
n = 20.97 mol                                                                                                                                     
Paraphrase : 25 liert scuba caniseter has 20.97 moes if the temperature of the canister is 330 K and the pressure is 2300 kPa.                                                                                                                                               
Analysis: The pressure is really large, it makes sense how the moles are many.
7.              I have a balloon that can hold 103 liters of air.  If I blow up this balloon with 2 moles of oxygen gas at a pressure of 109 kPa, what is the temperature of the balloon?
Given: V = 103 L ; n = 2 mol ; P = 109 kPa
Required: T
T = PV/nR                                                                  
T = 109 kPa x 103 L / 3 mol x 8.31 LkPa/Kmol                                                                                            
T = 11227 LkPa / 24.93 LkPa/K                                                                                                                    
T = 450.34 K                                                                                                                                      
Paraphrase : The balloon that hold 103 L of air that is blown with 2 moles at a pressure of 109 kPa has a temperature of      450.34 K.                                                                                                                   
Analysis: The mass is large, it makes sense that the temperature alse large.     
8.              I have a balloon that can hold 0.5 L of air.  If I blow up this balloon with 25 grams of oxygen gas at a pressure of 101.3 kPa, what is the temperature of the balloon?
Given: V = 0.5 L ; M = 2 g ; P = 101.3 K
Required: T
T = PV/nR                                                                  
nO2 = 25 g O2 x 1 mol/32 g O2 = 0.78125 mol                                                                                                
T = 101.3 kPa x 0.5 L / 8.31 LkPa/Kmol x 1.78125 mol                                                                               
T = 50.65 LkPa / 14.80 LkPa/K                                                                                                                     
T = 3.42 K                                                                                                                                          
Paraphrase : The temperature of a balloon that can hold 0.5 L of air with 25 grams of oxygen at a pressure 101.3 kpa is 3.42 K.
Analysis: The mass is small, therefore it’s reasonable that the temperature is also small.

Partial pressures, effusion, and diffusion  (there are 7 questions)
1.      Compare and contrast diffusion and effusion:           Diffusion is the movement of molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration until the concentration is uniform throughout. Effusion is the escape of gas through a tiny hole in a container. Both are the movement of gas and molecules. Also, both diffusion and effusion is faster in gas with lower molar mass than in gases with higher molar mass.                                                                                                                                                                                   
2.     Do gases with higher or lower molar masses diffuse faster?              Lower.                                                
3.     Do gases diffuse from high to low concentration or from low to high concentration?           Gases diffuse from higher to lower concentration.                                                                                                                
  1. A metal tank contains three gases:  oxygen, helium, and nitrogen.  If the partial pressures of the three gases in the tank are 35 atm of O2, 5 atm of N2, and 25 atm of He, what is the total pressure inside of the tank?
Given: P1 = 35 atm x 101.3 = 3545.5 kPa ; P2 = 5 atm x 101.3 = 506.5 kPa ; P3 = 25 atm x 101.3 = 2532.5 kPa
Required: Ptotal
Ptotal = 3545.5 kPa + 506.5 kPa + 2532.5 kPa                                                                                   
Ptotal = 6584.5 kPa                                                                                                                  
Paraphrase : The total pressure inside the tank is 6584.5 kPa.
Analysis: The answer makes sense because the total pressure is bigger than the partial pressures.
  1. Blast furnaces give off many unpleasant and unhealthy gases.  If the total air pressure is 0.99 atm, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is 0.05 atm, and the partial pressure of hydrogen sulfide is 0.02 atm, what is the partial pressure of the remaining air?
Given: Ptotal = 0.99 atm x 101.3 = 100.287 kPa ; P1 = 0.05 atm x 101.3 kPa = 5.065 kPa ; P2 = 0.02 atm x 101.3 = 2.026 kPa
Required: P3
(0.99 atm x 101.3) = (0.05 atm x 101.3) + (0.02 atm x 101.3) + P3                                      
100.287 kPa = 5.065 kPa + 2.026 kPa + P3
P3 = 100.287 kPa – (5.065 + 2.026)kPa
P3 = 93.196 kPa                                                         
Paraphrase: The pressure of remaining air is 93.196 kPa.

Analysis: The answer makes sense because the partial pressure of the remaining air is lowet than the total pressure.
Given: Ptotal = 0.99 atm x 101.3 = 100.287 kPa ; PO2 = 22%
Required: PO2
PO2 = 22/100 x 0.99 kPa = 0.2178 kPa                                                                                            
Paraphrase: The partial pressure of oxygen is 0.22 kPa
Analyis: It makes sense because the total pressure is near 100 kPa but lower and the partial pressure of oxygen is near 22 kPa but also lower.
7.     Compare the effusion rates of NH3 gas and HCl gas. (Show your work!)
Given: molas mass NH3 = 14 g + 3(1) g = 17 g ; molar mass HCl = 1 g + 34 g = 35 g
Required: effusion rate
NH3/HCl = √(molar mass HCl/molar mass NH3)
NH3/HCl = √(35g/17g)                                                                                                                       
NH3/HCl = √2.05882                                                                                                                         
NH3/HCl = 1.43                                                                                                         
Paraphrase: the effusion rate of NH3 and HCl is 1.43

8. If I place 3 moles of N2 and 4 moles of O2 in a 27 L container at a temperature of 298 K, what will the pressure of the resulting mixture of gases be?

Given: nN2 = 3 mol ; nO2 = 4 mol ; V = 27 L ; T = 298 K

Required: P

P1 = (nN2)RT/V                                                                                                                                                  
P1 = (3 mol x 8.31 LkPa/Kmol x 298 K)/27 L                                                                                                     
P1 = 7429.14 LkPa/27 L                                                                                                                                      
P1 = 275.15 kPa                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
P2 = (nO2)RT/V                                                  
P2 = (4 mol x 8.31 LkPa x 298 K)/27 L
P2 = 9905.52 LkPa/27 L
P2 = 366.87 kPa

Ptotal = P1 + P2
Ptotal = (275.15 + 366.87)kPa
Ptotal = 642.02 kPa

Paraphrase: The pressure of the mixed gas is 642.02 kPa
Analysis: It makes sense that the pressure isn’t too high or too low, because the volume isn’t too big or too small. The temperature also isn’t too high or too low.

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